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X10 PRO PLW02 3-Way Dimmable Wall Switch
Upgrade your existing 3-way wall switch and have total X10 PRO control indoor and out!
Automate your lights, remotely control them & make them dimmable!
Upgrade your existing 3-way wall switch to an X10 PRO-enabled wall switch. This 3-way switch module set is perfect for automation of indoor/outdoor lights including front porch, patio, hallway, and stairway lights currently controlled by two or more switches.
Expanding your X10 PRO system to include wired-in lights is a snap with these easy-to-use X10 PRO light switches.
This wall switch will respond to the ALL LIGHTS ON/ALL UNITS OFF command, and you can dim the light from any X10 transmitter with DIM/BRIGHT control.
Item is the white color model. Includes Companion Switch.